Chandra Graha Mantra

by Vijay Prince

Music & Audio


Lord Chandra or Moon god is one of the most important planets impacting the horoscope of every person. The ruling deity of planet Chandra, the moon or Soma is the ruler of people’s minds. The influence of planet moon in the horoscope of a person can give many favourable results as well as some unfavourable results. Chanting the Chandra mantra can help alleviate the sufferings due to the afflicted position of moon in horoscope and augment the positive results of the favourable moon in a person’s birth chart.Benefits of chanting Chandra mantraMoon is the god of the human minds. Chanting Chandra mantra can help clear the confusions of the mind and enhance the power of the mind. Lord Chandra can help enhance beauty, brilliance, eyesight, memory and mental faculties. These aspects are sharpened with the chanting of these mantras.Chanting Chandra mantra regularly can help enhance the positive results of moon’s position in horoscope while mitigating the negative effects. Features available in application• Clear audio voice for Meditation • Backward & forward buttons• Media player seek bar to scroll the media track with time duration• Set as wallpaper• Application share option • Flowers & leaf fall option • Temple Bell Sound• Shankh sound